The Incredible Here and Now is a play about cars and boys and having to grow up too soon.
Charcoal chicken, a white Pontiac Trans Am, the Council pool, Michael is living in the shadow of his older brother Dom. The biggest guy in the school. Best car in the West. The guy who just can’t help but grab everyone’s attention. The guy with the girlfriend with the huge-arse hair.
When he is gone Michael roams the streets, navigating life, friendship, love and family. The Incredible Here and Now is a poignant rollercoaster ride celebrating life, first love, family and new beginnings, traversing the streets of Western Sydney.
Adapted for the stage by international award-winning local author and playwright Felicity Castagna.
"It was the perfect blend of human story and world view. Warm and funny and human and thought-provoking." Sydney Arts Guide.
"This is a human story that is relatable regardless of where someone may live. Teenagers are inherently the same, worried about dating, having friends and dealing with family. People still experience love, grief, fear, anger and confusion even if their postcode is different." Broadway World.
Review of the novel:
"The Incredible Here and Now is an uplifting novel, a joy to read. Its eighty short chapters are a series of loosely connected vignettes delivered in the simple, unadorned, sometimes ungrammatical narration of Michael. It is utterly convincing in its observation of the place and the people of Michael’s life in the western suburbs." Reading Time.
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Cast: 7 female, 6 male Casting notes: doubling possible
Poppy/Principal/Monique’s dad
Monique/Kate / Joe
Minor characters who are either played by Voice Over or added to any of the above roles:
School Kids
Police Riot Squad
Lebanese Man
Indian Woman
Sample Script
Production Costs