The piece is meant to be very much, tongue in cheek, stand up comedy. The actors should include the audience as much as possible, most lines can be said directly out to the audience. Little or no set or props are needed, and the costuming may be as simple or as ostentatious as the director requires.
Plot / Synopsis
The piece is meant to be very much, tongue in cheek, stand up comedy. The actors should include the audience as much as possible, most lines can be said directly out to the audience. Little or no set or props are needed, and the costuming may be as simple or as ostentatious as the director requires.
Little or no set required. Traditional music with some original lyrics supplied. The story is based on the story of Lady Godiva’s famous ride through
1. Green sleeves.
2. Humoresque.
3. The Sweetheart Tree or Baby Bumble Bee.
4. Champagne Charley,
Or The Night they invented
5. Let’s do it. or Everybody’s Doin’ it.
7. There is a Tavern in the Town
8. While Strolling in the Park one day.
9. Beside the seaside.
10. Knight in Rusty Armour.
11. Hair.
12. The Ash Grove.
13. Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
14. Underneath the Spreading Chestnut Tree
15. William Tell Overture (Music only)
16. Simon Says.
Cast required 4m 4f 1 m/f.