Santa Meets the Bushrangers

Melvyn Morrow has written six pantomimes for the series Christmas at the Sydney Opera House. His favourite is Santa meets the Bushrangers, which was revived for the third time in a professional season at the North Sydney Independent Theatre .

The characters are Mother Kelly, Molly Moonlight, Charlie Thunderbolt, Danny Boy  ( his brother ) Ned Kelly, Santa Ghost of Amnesia and various miners.

There are unlimited chorus possibilities - with a tradition that Christmas carols are included.

The scene opens with Mother Kelly opening her Devonshire tea shop, (hiding the no frills label on the jam ) and welcomes some scruffy looking customers.

Mother Kelly: Pull up a chair  for Mr Thunderbolt...haven't I heard that name before.

Thunderbolt: Banking. My Father is Captain Thunderbolt, the famous bank robber. I mean bush ranger. I mean range rover.

Danny Boy: He means bush rover. I mean range robber.

Mother Kelly: You're the bright one?

Both Boys : Yes.

Mother Kelly: What a pair of Galahs. You mean bank manager.

Thunderbolt: That sort of thing. Yes he manages other people's money. When he manages to get it.

Mother Kelly: Well isn't that a coincidence . My darling son Edward Kelly, works in the money market in Sydney. Doing very well. Always sends his mother a cheque every month. Now what can I get you boys.

Thunderbolt: We'd like a devonshire tea.

Danny Boy: Yes I'd like some devon.

Mother Kelly: You're the bright one?

Both Boys : Yes.


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Production Costs

12.5% of Box Office