Back issues of Stage Whispers Magazine can now be read free at www.stagewhispers.com.au
Win tickets to see Warnie the Musical and Priscilla the Musical plus books and CD's if you subscribe before December 6.
In the November/December issue....Read about STIFF - New Zealand's naughtiest comedy ...plus.
*Warnie – the musical that has Shane in a spin
*Priscilla – A Bus destined for the West End
*Peter Pinne on Broadway’s Recession Blues
*Turning a stage into our iconic battlefield
*Theatrical postcard from New Zealand
*The amazing Underground Opera
*Oscar Wilde for Two
*Blood and Tinsel - Jim Sharman book excerpt
*New Technical and Design Feature
*Reviews and What's on.
*Mega Showbiz crossword
*Ballarat National Theatre – 70 years young
*Schools on stage